Greeting – 公益財団法人 九州先端科学技術研究所


In 1995, a dramatic change was taking place not only in Japan and but throughout the world. This world-wide trend was called the “ Information Revolution ” which purported to create a society equipped with advanced information networks. In the same year, ISIT was founded with the aim of contributing to the development of Fukuoka as a hub of information-related industries, and leading the industrial sectors in the future.

Since then, ISIT has played a pioneering role in the field of systems and information technologies for more than 12 years, consequently promoting local industries. however, it is anticipated that ISIT use its experience more liberally to develop new innovations, and we have decided to add the field of advanced sciences & technologies including nanotechnology to its domains of research, development, and exchange activities. This has enabled us to form a research community consisting of scientists with different backgrounds. Furthermore, we have extended our assistance to new ventures in the region, making full use of our experiences in coordinating industry-academia-government collaboration over the years.

ISIT has become a public interest incorporated foundation in April, 2013.
We believe that ISIT will carry greater weight in its future role in promoting the local economy. We look forward to dedicating ourselves in making further contributions to the realization of a vigorous community in this region. We ask for your continued support and cooperation to this end.